Monday, May 30, 2011

SEAson Sickness!

Wow, I think we are definetly feeling SEAson sick! Fall in New Zealand, Summer in Fiji (yeah I know it is their winter, but it's hotter than any Canadian summer I've ever had) and Spring in Calgary (or more correctly Flood season). Being that we are on the bottom side of the earth right now with the boat, we have the benifits of opposing seasons which is actually really great. Fiji is pretty hot, 30 plus degrees during the days and very humid, but the evenings are a glorious 25 degrees with calm winds. We are finally using the outdoor living spaces on the boat again. We haven't done too much yet in Fiji, only what we mentioned in our previous update, as we had to get everything set up so we could leave the boat and come home to Calgary on May 19. Finding the "best dive sites ever" will be our mission when we return to Fiji on June 19. 
Our feelings are mixed about being home this time. Seems the snow just melted a week before our return (in our yard anyway) so the leaves were just starting to come out and the weather was cold and rainy and then severely rainy - yes we spent a couple days fending off the over-swollen Fish Creek. That all sucks. But it is good to see our girls again and all of our friends. Yesterday was bright and sunny, so all is not lost.

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